Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Pollution Levels From One 747
Finally, consider a remark made by a Boeing physicist that the pollution levels from one 747 take-off are somewhat similar to setting the local gas station on fire and flying it over your head.
Folks that live near airports are rightly concerned for their health and safety. Us folks in rural areas suffer the same levels of pollution over larger areas with thousands of jets flying over nearly every square inch of America.
No where to run anymore.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Massive Amounts of Hazardous and Toxic Emissions
Here is just a partial, astonishing list of constituent compounds: Freon 11; Freon 12; Methyl Bromide; Dichloromethane; cis-l,2-Dichloroethylene; 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; Carbon Tetrachloride; Benzene; Trichloroethylene; Toluene; Tetrachloroethene; Ethylbenzene; m,p-Xylene; o-Xylene; Styrene; 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene; o-Dichlorobenzene; Formaldehyde; Acetaldehyde; Acrolein; Acetone; Propinaldehyde; Crotonaldehyde; Isobutylaldehyde; Methyl Ethyl Ketone; Benzaldehyde; Veraldehyde; Hexanaldehyde; Ethyl Alcohol; Acetone; Isopropyl Alcohol; Methyl Ethyl Ketone; Butane; Isopentane; Pentane; Hexane; Butyl Alcohol; Methyl Isobutyl Ketone; n,n-Dimethyl Acetamide; Dimethyl Disulfide; m-Cresol; 4-Ethyl Toulene; n- Heptaldehyde; Octanal; 1,4-Dioxane; Methyl Phenyl Ketone; Vinyl Acetate; Heptane; Phenol; Octane; Anthracene; Dimethylnapthalene(isomers); Flouranthene; 1-methylnaphthalene; 2-methylnaphthalene; Naphthalene; Phenanthrene; Pyrene; Benzo(a)pyrene; 1-nitropyrene; 1,8-dinitropyrene; 1,3-Butadiene; sulfites; nitrites; nitrogen oxide; nitrogen monoxide; nitrogen dioxide; nitrogen trioxide; nitric acid; sulfur oxides; sulfur dioxide; sulfuric acid; urea; ammonia; carbon monoxide; ozone; particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5); and finally this compound; 3-nitrobenzanthrone.*
According to chemist Hitomi Suzuki of Kyoto University, the last compound, 3-nitrobenzanthrone, may be the most hazardous compound ever to be tested for carcinogenicity, scoring substantially higher in the well-known Ames test than its nearest rival, 1,8-dinitropyrene listed above. (New Scientist, 25 October 1997.) Many of the other compounds indicated above are also considered to be carcinogens. Adding to the direct effect of any single chemical listed above, the probabilities of synergistic effects must be considered. The toxic brew of compounds is also subject to reactions caused by atmospheric and solar effects, resulting in new, consequent compounds.
Our skys and consequently our water sources are filled with this toxic brew.
I discussed the 'special' place aviation occupies in our country and the world. It appears these emissions are regulated by the FAA! Might as well let Peabody Coal Company regulate coal mining and pollution. Or let Phillip Morris regulate tobacco sales and marketing.
This 'special' relationship does maximize profits, without considering the costs in health and death care.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Rogue Industry
Can a citizen influence where airlines fly? No!
Can a citizen influence when airline fly? No!
Must an airline respond to complaints of noise? No!
Can any aircraft fly over your home anytime at any loudness? Yes!
Are airlines and airports subsidized by the taxpayer? Yes!
Does general aviation comply to lead free fuel regulations? No?
Can a citizen readily identify an aircraft? No, or with difficulty.
Can a State regulate aircraft on behave of it's citizens? No!
Can a State regulate aircraft noise? No!
Are airlines responsible to any agency regarding citizens on the ground? No!
How did the aviation industry become so special? How are they different from a 'normal' citizen?
If I drive a vehicle without a recognizable and traceable license I would be ticketed or arrested. Have you ever tried to identify an airplane? If you can determine the ID your are very lucky indeed. But say you get lucky, what is the next step? A group recently went to court to obtain aircraft ownership information. This was after trying to obtain this information via the Freedom of Information Act. The FAA maintains this information must be kept secret for reasons of privacy. Wow, these folks can fly over my [and your] house anytime, over and over, and their identity is protected by a taxpayer funded federal agency.
I own a 1964 Studebaker Avanti. Nice car! Of course I can't obtain leaded fuel. No problem. I understand the importance of keeping lead out of the environment. So I rebuild the engine at considerable cost so I can use unleaded fuel. Or if I was willing to break federal law I could try to get LEADED fuel at any airport. Essentially all general aviation aircraft still use leaded fuel! Think about that next time you are overflown. Why is aviation so special?
Looks rogue to me.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
It's Up To Us
FAA's arrogance destroys much more than just the people under the flyovers. It radiates in ever increasing circles, and nowhere is there a voice for the earth. I guess that would be us......
Its important for me to know there are other voices in the wilderness offended by aviation arrogance. One tactic of the aviation industry involves marginalizing our voices. For example:
Not long ago, a "noise consultant" named Mark Johnson, working for Landrum & Brown, addressed a planning meeting for the expansion of the Albany, N.Y., airport. He wagged his eyebrows and declared: "We're not saying that people who complain about noise are out of their minds. Let's just say it's a sociological problem." As more and more people are driven out of their minds by noise, Johnson will find that it has become a political problem as well, and therefore an industry problem. Eventually, the FAA will be forced to abandon its disgracefully intimate collusion with the aviation industry.
C:\Air Traffic\Airline Pollution The Sky Has Its Limits - TIME.mht
Speak your mind. Tell your friends. Practice democracy!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Untruthful Marketing Campaigns
Metropolis is generally a serious design community rag often featuring issues of sustainability. I have been proud that my professional community has embraced the issues of sustainability. This recent issue however gives great coverage to Southwest Airlines for creating a ‘green’ airliner. A full day of flying through seven airports yielded a fuel savings of 65 gallons!? The day’s flights used 6,500 gallons!
In fairness to Metropolis the article outlines the ‘bad news’ in the last two paragraphs of the article. The article does reveal the airlines spent 82 million dollars on lobbyists in 2008, more than any other industry in the transportation sector. By the way Sierra Club magazine did not provide a bad news component to their article.
The airlines industry spends millions to lobby and engage in untruthful marketing campaigns only to delay the ultimate demise of the industry.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Aviation Biofuels is like Tobacco Industry Misinformation
We must come to understand aviation as we know it is over. Any industry hangs on to profits at any cost for as long as possible. Biofuels is one example of deceptive public relations.
Publicizing aviation biofuels is like the tobacco industry unveiling a sustainable tobacco as an answer to the health issues related to smoking.
Hurling a 500 ton metal hulk into the air will continue to damage the environment and harm the health of millions on the ground with or without biofuels.
Beyond Climate Change issues studies indicate jet over flights can cause an increase in breast cancer. All cardiovascular diseases can be caused or worsened by jet over flights. There are many studies by respected organizations indicating the harm caused by aviation.
Serious people involved in studying and communicating the dangers of climate change cannot afford to be deniers when it comes to related matters such as aviation.
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Climate Progress is the best source for climate change information. Check it out.